Monday, September 20, 2010


"Sesungguhnya Allah xkn mengubah keadaan sesuatu kaum sblm mereka mengubah keadaan diri mereka sndri"-13:11

satu ayat dari Quran al-karim
cuma satu ayat dan nmpk simple sgt..
mampu x nk melaksanakannya????
sbb nk ubah sesuatu kaum 2 tntulah brmula dgn mngubah individu2nya
dan dari individu2 itu,tentulah diri sndiri adlh individu pertama yg prlu diubah
urm,,ap yg nk diubah sbnarnya?
berusahalah utk mengubah diri dari cintakan dunia semata2 kepada cintakan Allah sepenuhnya..
susah en???
jadi,jom2 try ambil pengajaran dari lirik lagu 'get busy living' by kareem salama nih..=)

Every single day, someone is born and someone dies
It wasn't long ago my uncle passed and my little niece came to life
I get to thinking about my time to go and it won't be long from now
I shiver inside at the chance that I might leave a life untouched by a vow
 And I believe tonight is the night that I decide
That I get busy living and I get ready to die
So that when the fateful day does come
When I'm six feet in the ground
The poor and the weak and the orphan and meek
Will miss having me around
When I pass I don't wanna leave a life of regret
So I give rise to change today by trying not to forget
That pleasures do pass and sunrises end
And stars do fade away
But it's love and it's virtue and honor and truth
That remain for all days
I want that final breath to be the sweetest of all
And it will be with certainty if I answer the call
To help all those in need and decipher the meaning of life
'Cause the seekers of truth, they fear not death
Anymore than they fear life

O Allah,,please give me strength  to get this busy living..
iqa,to be as madu yg berkhasiat,start ubah hati n diri utk lbey kuat d masa akn dtg!=))

(p/s;lagu nih ad dlm playlist sblah nih ea..)

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